Good Quality Replica Balenciaga Clothing T-Shirt Luxury Cheap Black Blue Dark Printing Short Sleeve
Using 16-count single combed compact yarn fabric, 250 grams of dense plain weave fabric after washing, dust-free singeing and facial light food wool technology. The plate is dyed dark blue and sulfur black.
Dark blue uses the most advanced imported batik technology to make it look aged. The pattern is first computer scanned and then the details are refined bit by bit manually on the board. Only after repeated modifications can the board be consistent. Strictly coloring the board using computer direct injection imitation crack printing technology. After the finished product is finished, it is salt-milled and aged, washed out, and the strands are manually sprayed on the board position. The board is manually worn and washed with soft water, and it will not deform after wearing
Size: xs s m l

Using 16-count single combed compact yarn fabric, 250 grams of dense plain weave fabric after washing, dust-free singeing and facial light food wool technology. The plate is dyed dark blue and sulfur black.
Dark blue uses the most advanced imported batik technology to make it look aged. The pattern is first computer scanned and then the details are refined bit by bit manually on the board. Only after repeated modifications can the board be consistent. Strictly coloring the board using computer direct injection imitation crack printing technology. After the finished product is finished, it is salt-milled and aged, washed out, and the strands are manually sprayed on the board position. The board is manually worn and washed with soft water, and it will not deform after wearing
Size: xs s m l